Anti-Termite Treatment

Anti-Termite Treatment


Termites Control Subterranean termites are controlled in the following ways:

Pre-construction: The foundation trenches, v-channels and under solid floor areas must be treated with a termiticide drenching the entire area according to label directions normally at 5 litres per square meter.
Post –construction: The entire structure must be drilled through the outside perimeter wall to reach below the floor slab and a solution of termiticide is then injected according to label directions.
Nests: Holes must be drilled into the nest and the nest must be flooded with a solution of termiticide according to label directions. Normally a minimum of 75 litres of solution is required depending on the size of the nest.
Control of harvester termites is normally accomplished by establishing where their shallow nests are and a solution of termiticide is then injected into the numerous nests.

The surface area around the nests must also be treated with a solution of termiticide as the harvester termites will strip the surrounding vegetation, taking these clippings down into the nests.

Control of dry-wood termites is accomplished by encasing the entire structure in gas proof plastic sheeting and then introducing a toxic gas for twenty four hours.

If this is not possible then the infested timber must be replaced with new pre-treated timber and the rest of the structural timber must be drilled at 300mm intervals and be pressure injected with a registered wood preservative.

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